====== visionlab website ====== The visonlab website is located on one of the [[visiesrv2_lxc_containers| LXC containers visiesrv2]]. For the moment being, **visielab-test** hosts the visielab website. Is made with Drupal 7.x. Original design by Toon Huysmans [[t.huysmans@tudelft.nl]] . Contains the **Biblio** .module. It may be necessary to apply this patch for drupal -> https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/biblio_crossref_GET_not_POST-UNKNOWN-0.patch * database mysql root password U2FsdGVkX1+NiX62WqbCsKgNJ2UG2qqWDJ1ON0gUykQ= * backup script is located in **/usr/local/bin** * drupal website located at **/var/www/visielab** * drupal administrators : |Jan Sijbers| |Ben Jeurissen| |Christine Waerebeek| |Nikolas Garofil| |Nathalie Ruys| |Paul Scheunders| |Arjan den Dekker| |Toon Huysmans| |Jan De Beenhouwer|